
Day 1 Challenge
Monday, March 14, 2011 @1:08 AM

1. My full name is Sharleene but I prefer to be called "Shar" because everytime I hear my full name, I think I am in trouble of some sort.

2. I am taken and practically married. I have been with my wonderful significant other for almost 5 years now and yes ... I have come to a point where I would not know what to do without him in life. He's my best friend, my lover, my family and my everything.

3. I am fanatically obsessed with Hello Kitty. I have this strange goal to own every type of paraphanelia ever possible that has to do with Hello Kitty. Obsessed.

4. I consider myself pretty artsy I guess. I LOVE all aspects of art whether it be music, artwork, dance, photography, sculptures, etc. I love to draw traditionally and digitally (my favourite thing to do is play with my Photoshop), and I love anything to do with arts & crafts since I also knit and crochet.

5. I CANNOT stand being bored. Really I can't. It's a rare thing for me to just want to stay home and do nothing. I always have to be doing something.

6. I am full-on Filipino but I was born in the Middle East (Bahrain to be exact) but I currently am a Canadian Citizen, living in Vancouver, BC.

7. I actually understand some French but I am very choppy in speaking the language. I have been learning French since the first grade in Bahrain but my learning slowed down once I got to Canada because they are a bit slower in curriculum here and I pretty much learned everything I already knew when I got here so I never really got anywhere to far with it. I think I can hold a decent conversation though.

8. I have a little brother is who is 17 years younger than me. He does get mistakenly regarded as my "son" and sometimes I play along with it especially for the ignorant ones who give me dirty looks because they THINK/ASSUME I'm some dirty teenage mom.

9. I used to have a British accent when I was younger because I adapted to the speech of my environment living in Bahrain. In actuality, I sometimes still have it and I have to carefully suppress it when I speak because it just sounds very awkward to me and I do not like it one bit.

10. I may be short and look sweet but I do have a mean streak when I need to be. Just ask any of my old managers in my old jobs HAHA. My favourite quote from one of my old co-workers was, "Always watch out for the little sweet Asian ones. They'll fucking come and get you like a fucking cat!!"

11. I consider myself to be very bold and adventurous when it comes to style. I will wear any color, any style (as long as the items actually fit me) and same goes with hair. I am used to changing my hairstyle 6 times a year. I've gone really really short to super super long to whatever other mess in between.

12. Considering I am a very short girl, I rarely ever wear heels. It's not that I don't like them (because I think heels are actually very sexy and looks great with my legs), it's just my feet just can't take them! Time and time again, I've tried wearing heels and within ten minutes, I want to start crying because I am in soooo much pain and feel like my feet
